We are grateful for your ongoing love and concern for Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut (Tokitae / Lolita). She continues to be treated for the infection she’s had since last winter. Her most recent health assessment report is here.

Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut continues to receive love and prayers from around the world. A few weeks ago, when our relation was gravely ill, a number of people gathered (virtually) to pray for her. The very next day, Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut began to eat again.

“The ancestors have cleared her path to come home. The Whale people want her to come home. She wants to come home. So many people love her! She feels our prayers. All of us, working and praying together, will help heal her and bring her home,” Squil-le-he-le Raynell Morris said. “We are Netse Mot, of one heart and one mind, in this work.”

Traditional culture, spirituality, and ceremony work together with modern science and medicine. Miami Seaquarium and Friends of Lolita continue to collaborate to provide Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut with the best possible quality of life. She is receiving loving companionship and enrichment on a daily basis, as well as round-the-clock medical care. We raise our hands to all involved for coming together in a good way for our relation!

It is our Xa xalh Xechnging (sacred obligation) to make our family whole again.We hold the vision of Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut’s homecoming in our hearts. We have a Plan, we are searching for a Site for her Salish Sea home. But we understand that we must respect her timeline. We must not rush things, we must let her heal, we must let her prepare. We must continue to work, to plan, to pray, and to be patient.

Hy’shqe to each and every one of you!