Thursday, May 4, 5-7pm
Crystal Ballroom at the Hotel Leo in downtown Bellingham
- Socialize, engage, support! Join us for art, songs, and stories.
- Learn about the work that the Sacred Lands Conservancy (SacredSea.org) is doing for Sk’aliCh’elh-tenaut (Tokitae/Lolita) and her qwe’lhol’mechen family (the Salish Sea orcas).
- Our program in the Crystal Ballroom features Lummi violinist Swil Kanim, the Choir of the Salish Sea and others.
- Across the hall from the ballroom, view a totem pole in progress and visit with artist Jason LaClair.
- This event is free and open to the public. Cash bar. Donations welcomed but not expected.
- No tickets or RSVP necessary, but space is limited.
- Thank you to Hotel Leo and all of our co-hosts!